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In Brian Derrick we trust! Do not take the pod off! It greatly helps sift through all of the noise being shoved down our throats. It is also quick, digestible, and has a more authentic vibe. I love knowing about all of the down ballot races. If it wasn't for BD I would never even think about local judges, governorship, and so on. Listen, if Jon Stewart is coming back for the next four years, you guys can stick around too! We need all hands on deck.
Poughkeepsie, New York
Happy Thanksgiving! So thankful for y’all this past year. Also, please don’t leave us!!! 😬
New York, New York
I truly enjoy Vibes Only and really hope that you continue to do the show. Your show felt like a voice of reason and made political news easier to listen to. I appreciate all you do and really hope that you will continue!
Poway, California
This is why we need you guy to stick around!! 🤢🙅🏼‍♀️
Atlanta, Georgia
Good morning!! I just wanted to say thank you so much for your work on the podcast this year. I eagerly await the release each week. I love your analysis and the energy you bring to politics and fighting for what you believe in!! It is so inspiring. I would LOVE to keep listening through the next few years of the Trump presidency. Please please please consider keeping it going? The next 4 years are going to be rough and the more we can talk about it and process together feels like a good idea, right?! I live in a red state (SC) and sometimes feel so discouraged and alone. I love hearing about the wins elsewhere in the country, whether big or small. Again, thank you so much for what you do!!
Atlanta, Georgia
Hi, I’m sad to hear you’re possibly ending the podcast. As an older listener (I’ll be 70 next year) I appreciate what you’re doing and hope you’ll continue. What I like about the podcast is that it’s brief (half hour is perfect for a dog walk) and informative. I wonder if you could switch for the next 4 years to action items or at least inform us on potential steps we can take to keep fighting. We need all the truth tellers we can get. Thank you for your consideration.
Davis, California
Vibes Only was my favorite podcast in 2024. You guys helped me understand the election year so much better than I would’ve on my own. I love the knowledge, humor, and honesty you both bring to politics. After Trump won I deleted my instagram because of all the noise and I honestly couldn’t bear to look.. Vibes only was the ONLY source of news that I wanted to hear or see. I just want you both to know how grateful I am for the show and the content. I wish I could convey how much it means to me without sounding like a crazy person! Basically.. thank you. Please keep it going. We need you guys! 😘❤️
Santa Cruz, California
my heart sank when I heard you say second to last episode!! You are my favorite political podcast!!! I love listening to you 2 talk about the week in politics. It's my fave Wednesday ritual: running on the treadmill and listening to Vibes Only. You just have such great vibes together (I couldn’t think of a better term but it’s fitting bc of the name of your show). I also love how you end everything on a good vibe, even in the darkest of times. I really hope you come back for another season or 20 bc I need you in my life to get thru the next 4 years of a trump presidency. Also listening to you 2 helped me get more politically involved (phone banking for Sherrod Brown!!) this election cycle even though we didn’t get the outcome we wanted.
Columbus, Ohio
please continue vibes only, listening to this podcast each week has made things easier to cope with. If you do continue, I would love if you had more guests.
Pueblo, Colorado
please continue the podcast! It’s a highlight of my Wednesday and week and I love the camaraderie I feel with y'all from afar down here in ridiculous red Birmingham, AL 😵‍💫
Birmingham, Alabama
I hope you keep Vibes Only going! I really enjoy listening to your podcast. I will be keeping informed on the news during the second trump admin 🤢 (as much as I want to tune out completely, I can’t nor do I think progressives should) but definitely through a filter of content like your podcast, credible news roundups, etc. I don’t have it in me to listen to listen to cable news shows, trump sound clips, or even trump getting interviewed on morning Joe (bless you Glennis 🙏🏻). Thanks for your primo content on insta and with this podcast. 🫡
Cleveland, Ohio
Please keep Vibes Only going. You two have kept me in the loop in a concise way and really kept me sane. Love you guys and hope to hear more from y'all!
Hartford, Connecticut
No! I’m so sad to hear Vibes Only is ending! Vibes Only is a trusted source for all things politics for me. They go deeper than I can get from nearly all other podcasts (more detail, more context and also cover more candidates/stories than typical). Pod save America is the closest comparison but even for someone who is politically engaged they often assume your memory is a steel trap. I don't always remember all the details from years past so you succinctly providing the most important context is hugely hugely helpful for me to get the most out of your coverage! I would love to see this morph into a couple times weekly podcast double clicking into top political stories. I truly hope you come back!
Somerset, Pennsylvania
I love your podcast
Modesto, California
Please don’t stop the podcast!!! You give me hope and the inside scoop I’m looking for with real facts! Please don’t go, I need you in my life!!
Daytona Beach, Florida
Hey Brian and Glennis. I would love to keep hearing from you regularly in any format. I high-key have a mostly respectful crush on Brian that I need to hear and see him! Haha! Anyway, I’m trying to put myself in a new headspace. We need more “media” to be realistic and not sensational. Maybe discussing what things Trump and the administration are thinking of doing, but talking about how it is possible, is not possible, or maybe just some aspects are possible. Mass deportation? Let’s get real about it. Closing the dept of education? Let’s get real about it. We need to be considering other lawmakers who will be called upon to vote on these things - plenty of Republican congresspeople could push against him. I’m also trying to focus on my LOCAL government. I live in SLC, UT, y’all. Yeah, red state. But look at Utah and Salt Lake County on that NYT map. When I think about where I’m living, the changes here were to the left I feel relatively “safe” because of this. But, just in case, I’m gonna marry my boyfriend next month just in case the Supreme Court tries to yank away rights. We need you to help us survive the next four years. Love you, Jason Hoggan 8018334179
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hi Glennis and Brian! I have loved the podcast this year and appreciate your thoughtful insights. While I would totally respect your decision not to continue the podcast next year, I personally find the information useful as you frame stories in an appropriate context that I may not put together myself while scrolling through social media. Politics can be overwhelming if I take a break and try to "catch up" only when there is an election so I think the podcast is one of many ways I am trying to keep consistently informed (while trying to stay sane 🙃). Even though the election didn't go as we hoped, I appreciate all your effort and keeping me personally motivated to stay engaged 💙
Danbury, Connecticut
Love the vibes only podcast please don’t go away!! Could you evolve into a left political podcast to debrief on news moving forward? I love Brian and Glennis's takes on what is happening and breaking down the news in a digestible format that highlights the most important news to know. Love this pod!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I listened to every episode of Vibes Only and it helped me get through the past year. Please please please come back. I feel with Trump in office, we need both of your take on what’s going down and how to get involved MORE THAN EVER! I cannot listen to the news right now. So I've been eager to hear the episode post election. Your levity helps me stay sane!!! Thank you for all your hard work and I appreciate both of you so much!!! 🙏🏼💕
San Francisco, California
Brian, Glennis, I am DEVASTATED to hear that this was the second to last episode of Vibes Only. This podcast has been such a bright light and I've enjoyed each and every episode. I would love nothing more than for the pod to come back in 2025, stronger than ever. What makes the show special is your partnership! I love how honest you both are and how you bring the best out in each other. How you educate each other and also educate your audience through your conversations. I also find that your podcast is significantly more accessible to those who are just trying to get informed and getting into politics for the first time. I listen to lots of political pods and I am very involved but any newbies that ask for recommendations, I always send them your way! Keep doing all of the amazing work that you're doing and hopefully you'll come back. We need you now more than EVER. We need your voices and your energy! Much love from a big fan, Maritza ❤️
Miami, Florida
hi! I’ve listened to a lot of the vibes only eps and I find them informative and fun. I would love to see a pod of some sort continue, especially given all of the unknown ahead. I think you both do a great job of informing and connecting with your audience.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
don’t gooooo :( I will deeply miss both of your perspectives on politics through this pod. Thank you for dedicating yourselves to weekly updates through a hellish campaign and bringing us real, fact-based reporting on the issues. Also admire an LGBTQ view on issues that impact me personally. I can’t wait to see what you guys do next!!!
Grafton, Massachusetts
Please don’t end Vibes Only!! I look forward to this podcast every week. Brian and Glennis are so great and they make what is a really crappy situation a little easier to stomach. It’s nice for me to hear takes on current events from the “young folks”. Keep it going, PLEASE!!
Jacksonville, Florida
Why is Vibes Only ending? Because Trump won? Isn’t it more important than ever to give voice to our resistance? You say that this time doesn’t feel like 2016. I’m curious to know how.
Los Angeles, California
I have listened to Vibes Only every week since it began airing and I have loved every episode. Over the summer I listened with my teenaged daughter and we were both able to learn from Brian and Glennis. I wasn't sure what the future of the show would be after the election, but if this is the end I just feel like it will be such a loss. For the time that I am listening to the show, it feels like I'm with friends who think and feel the same way I do about the issues that are important to me. I have laughed out loud during almost every episode (the post-election episode was just too sad) and I feel like I get so much from Brian and Glennis (and their guests, I've discovered Keith Edwards and Emily Amick from Vibes Only). If there was a vote on whether to continue the show or not, I'd vote to continue. I think that there are still stories to tell, and I like the way that Brian and Glennis deliver and dissect the news. 💙 If this IS the end, thank you so much for the time and work you put into Vibes Only, you have a unique way of communicating and it always felt like I was a part of the conversation as a listener.
Roseburg, Oregon
Sad I won’t have you both in my ears every week. I look to you for your personal on the ground experiences and Brian’s data brain always bringing a different perspective. Hope to see the podcast in whatever format you figure out in the future to keep me informed in this insane world. Any information on what we can do to protect ourselves and our community in this time is always welcome 🙏🏼
New York, New York
Hi, this is Christine in Oregon. PLEASE KEEP THE PODCAST GOING; PLEASE! When I heard it was the second to last episode, tears formed in my eyes. This podcast is one of the few ways I feel like I can listen to and digest the news without feeling completely overwhelmed and wanting to disengage from politics. The context you give to the news and the way you deliver it is something I haven’t been able to find anywhere else - I feel informed, and engaged without feeling like I’m going to have a panic attack. If I’m to stay engaged and in the fight for the next four years, this podcast is a necessity for me. Thank you for all you do - it's more valuable than you'll ever know. Please stick around; don't leave me!
Portland, Oregon
I need your podcast for the next 4 years! You provide positive leadership in a scary world that is not doom and gloom but action oriented.
Seattle, Washington
love the pod. Would be great to help us focus on how to organize. I’d like you all to get paid for your time though!
Boston, Massachusetts
I listen to a lot of political podcasts and Vibes Only is my favorite! There’s humor and love but also facts. Please keep it going, we’re going to need it!
vibes only has been so crucial. You both are so sane and smart. It is so calming and reassuring to hear you talk about the current political environment. Please keep making the podcast in some form!
Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
would love for you to bring the pod back next year!! I love listening every week to get your updates and perspective because it’s really helped me stay informed and feel sane in all the chaos. I think a lot of people (myself included) are going to feel very lost in the upcoming insanity of Trump’s next term, and we’ll definitely need your insight and motivation to make progress for 2026 elections. Hope you both find time to relax during your well-deserved holiday break 💕
Columbus, Ohio
For show feedback: I like the episode length of 30-ish minutes. The sass and hip terminology used also makes me feel a little youthful a month after my 30th birthday.
New Haven, Connecticut
re: Vibes Only. I love Brian and Glennon. I think I'd like to hear more from them about things that can be done to resist! Or things we can help advocate for. They usually bring me hope and keep me inspired so it would be great to keep hearing from them in different ways.
Brockton, Massachusetts
Hi Vibes. I’m a (ultra-lib) boomer, and I love hearing the political views and analyses of younger folks. I listen to your pod and PSA regularly. Don’t go away! Thanks for all you do 🖖🏼
Fort Wayne, Indiana
just wanted to say please bring back the pod next year! I look forward to it every week!
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
I LOVE your podcast. I listen to a few other political podcasts and I prefer yours to others. You keep us educated AND grounded at the same time. You offer an update with commentary without doom spiraling or getting too in the weeds (thank you thank you thank you). You have clarity in thought about what we are up against and are somehow hopeful in your ongoing messaging about how we CAN do something with our focus on down ballot races/what is going right. Would love to have more guests on, ongoing tips for keeping us accountable/engaged in between election cycles, and you two are just fabulous the way you are. Thank you for your voices! I recommend you to everyone! I really do!
Chicago Heights, Illinois
Thank you for the work you do! Appreciate the podcast this week. I’ve only been able to bring myself to start absorbing any tv or podcasts this weekend. Will you be continuing with the pod? Please know it’s needed and we’re all still needing this community!
Nashville, Tennessee
hey! Thanks for being a place where I can feel the tiniest bit of hope when it feels so dark right now. I don’t think it’s worth it for dems to post Mortem right now because we can’t do anything with that just yet - but rather what do you think Biden can or should do in the lame duck?
Clinton, New Jersey
You’ve inspired me to get out and canvas in reno, Nevada this weekend for a two day bus trip with the Harris campaign. I'm skipping out on the pumpkin patch with my toddlers but I know I will regret it if I don’t do my part to protect their futures. I've never done it before but I know it's important work and I'm bringing my mom--also a first time canvasser. Thanks for the motivation and all you do! - Rachel in California.
Sacramento, California
Hey ! Relatively new listener here. Just heard your 'Is The Media Meeting This Moment' episode. I’ve done 15 Zoom phone-banks for Harris/Walz, so far, talking to people in at least 11 states. I tell people: "That with the cloud-based auto dialer and provided scripts, it’s not difficult. If the phone is not your thing, maybe canvass, put out signs, write post-cards or find what works for you to help!" "It takes more than just voting this time around, get involved and join the efforts to Help Save Democracy, virtually or in person." I lived in Ohio for 55 years, now retired at 63, living in rural Alabama. I'm a Desert Storm Veteran and firmly believe that what happened on January 6 was a violent insurrection. Kudos on the shows awards ! -Tom
Dayton, Ohio
feeling so nervous but I’ve found that doing something is so helpful in having a sense of control. Sending postcards to get out the vote with moms rising and knocking doors for our abortion ballot measure.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Hi! I am in a very red state. I alternate between hopeful and incredibly anxious about the election. To feel better, I do something--donate money (often via Oath), write postcards via Mom's Demand, or phone bank. I really do not enjoy phone banking but it feels necessary! This weekend, I am inviting people I barely know to my house to write letters via Vote Forward. Doing something keeps the anxiety away, but it's not always comfortable!
Tallassee, Alabama
How am I feeling with 26 days until Election Day?? Hopeful, excited, energized but also so scared and nervous! I'm knocking doors, joining zoom meetings, canvassing for local Dems. We've made progress in Iowa and I'm seeing so many more Harris Walz signs in my conservative town. Hoping to flip some seats in the House! 💙💙
Des Moines, Iowa
today my father-in-law needed talked down off the ledge about Kamala not campaigning in public enough so this podcast was perfect timing. I sent it to him to listen to and I hope he feels better afterwards! Thanks you guys always do such a great job.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
hi Brian and Glennis. I have a question about canvassing. I've done it for local campaigns in the past and twice now for the Mondaire Jones campaign in NY. To be honest, I'm not great at it, I'm not the right personality for it and i find it terrifying, just less terrifying than doing nothing. I'm planning to canvass with mom demand action in Pennsylvania next weekend and I'm wondering if either if you know if there is a good crash course somewhere, like maybe on YouTube, to prep myself for the kinds of questions people might have about Kamala. And any other little tips for canvassing would be appreciated. Thanks for all you do. -Becky
Yaphank, New York
omg I’m listening to the post vp debate pod. I’m a mom of 3 and took a step back from work when we had our 3rd. I'm am 1000% more psychotic than I was pre-kids. What fu@&ing world is Vance living in? I really think they want to go back to the 50's when women were relying on mothers little helper to keep up the facade that being a sahm isn't truthfully soul crushing a lot of the time!
Madison, Wisconsin
Worried about all the chatter about trying to remove Biden. We got away from party leaders choosing the candidate because it was problematic. I see trying ousting Biden (or encouraging him to step down) as a recipe for chaos and a Trump win. We elect an administration for their policies and Supreme Court nominees, not just one person. I’m 58 and have NEVER had a Dem presidential candidate who has been as progressive as I wanted. We are working to bend the arc towards justice - step by step Thanks for your podcast 💖
Portland, Oregon
Also, while I wish that he had announced that he would not run again 2-3 years ago, he didn't. So we have an old white man who is running for president again. He has been in politics his whole life, has tried to hire good people, and is a smart and compassionate man. Vs Trump who is also old and a cheating lying narcissistic man. No contest
Portland, Oregon
Between Kristi Noem and RFK can we please leave the dog killing to Cruella de Vil
San Diego, California
I’m pumped up for Kamala! Yes please 🥳
New York, New York
can Tim Walz just meet with hunters and gun owners every 5 days between now and the election? That would be super effective. I’ll ante up my cousins and uncles contact info!!!
Manhattan, New York
French Canadian, who’s obsessed with American politics and only slightly less so with the Good Vibes of the show. Can’t wait for the Vibes Only DNC crossover coverage, keep up the great work!
Hi!!! Wanted to send a note to say how much I love the podcast and to ask a DNC question! Thank you for delivering the best vibes. The way you unpack complex issues makes me feel informed, optimistic, and better equipped to talk policy to other people in my life. I'll be in town for the DNC but not *at* the convention. My husband signed up to volunteer in May and got first priority for volunteer slots, but they were still just directing traffic at the airports ☹️ Any advice for how to *be a part of it* from the outside? At the very least I'm trying to figure out where to get convention merch to remember that we were there for this historic time. Love you, love your show, hope you have an amazing time next week!!! Maybe see you around Chicago!!
San Mateo, California
I’ve heard about Trump & Vance going on young men influencer podcasts (Nelk Boys, Logan Paul, etc.) for interviews. I feel like this is a good strategy, should Harris & Walz do something similar? I trust their campaigns to best strategize, but this makes me nervous
Grand Pr AI Rie, Texas
I live in Alabama and have seen almost no Kamala signs, but also less Trump signs. Also, the Trump signs I have seen are a lot smaller....I would say a more normal sign rather than freakishly large like in past years.
Tallassee, Alabama
My favorite local sign from Omaha Nebraska is just a big blue dot. 🔵 Good vibes this week- Thanks for a great episode!
Omaha, Nebraska
medically Trump fits the diagnostic criteria for “malignant narcissism.” The criteria can be easily checked on line. A person with this diagnosis is not presidential material and should be disqualified.
Beltsville, Maryland
I need a link to the Pasek and Paul voting song! (Can’t find it on YouTube)
Des Moines, Iowa
Omaha Nebraska has the genius sign of a large blue dot on a white background. They are printed, and backordered too, but it would be an easy DIY option for anyone who is a blue dot in a red or purple state. At least one republican who lost the plot, tried to copy it, but just ended up with a Japanese flag in their yard 🇯🇵 💀
Lincoln, Nebraska